Welcome to my yoga
My vision is to offer a warm and welcoming place where students of all backgrounds will be able to discover, evolve and deepen their yoga practice with online classes.
From my yoga mat to yours
I welcome you to this website that I consider as an extension of my yoga mat in my living room. While online yoga classes are limited in the physical interaction, my core principles of attention to details apply to all my teachings.
We focus on correct alignment. The attention to the tiniest details makes your practice so much deeper! Clean and precise teaching is the answer to all your body’s issues.
Hey, I don’t do superficial.
Goat yoga? Paddleboard yoga? Beer yoga?
In a time where studios popping up at every corner and trainings spitting out new instructors every month, there is no shortage of new, so called, yoga styles. These are all fun, superficial leisure activities. But you will probably agree with me that none of these can be considered yoga.
My mat. My practice. My space.
Invest your energy into the real thing.
Over nearly 30 years I have been refining my teaching skills through constant education with a few of the world’s best known yoga masters. I don't know vacations; all of my spare time is invested in constant education and highly advanced trainings. But I know that my daily practice and training are well invested in making me an even better teacher.
Finally, remember that you can deepen your yoga only when you step on your mat!
So, go ahead and schedule your me-time in your agenda for your next class.