Levels in yoga classes

All my yoga classes offer something for every level making beginning newbies with little knowledge* and more experienced yogis equally happy! Building strength, flexibility, and balance, the physical activity involves enough to be on the verge to break a sweat and elevate the cardiovascular endurance.

Slow is the new fast!

By moving slowly, you move with intelligence and you have time to observe yourself. The focus lies on the anatomically correct alignment in the physical postures (asanas), in expanding your awareness in a meditative approach. Starting with the foundations I will take you on a journey towards the peak pose of each class, reviewing, intensifying and tweaking through creative and more challenging sequences. You will definitively challenge your stamina while working on becoming more flexible.

Understand the asanas

The levels and intensity of a class evolve with your understanding of yoga to tackle more demanding variations of the postures. The more detailed your understanding is about a pose, the more intense and advanced your asana becomes. It is normal that at the beginning you might feel overwhelmed with all the new information learned.
But, worry not: benefits of yoga come to those who practice regularly.