FAQ Frequently Asked Questions — lePOP.yoga

Frequently asked Questions ABOUT YOGA :

Start well into your yoga experience with this non-exhaustive list of frequently asked questions.

What do I need to wear?

Simply wear your regular athletic gear that allow you to move around without chaffing. Typically a legging and a sports top for the ladies and shorts and top/shirt for the gents. Yoga is practiced barefoot.

Do I need a yogamat?

Yes! Owning your own yogamat in is a must. Not only does it give you a comfy surface to practice on, it also gives you peace of mind about the hygiene of the mat.

Do I need other gear?

Ideally, have a pair of blocks and one yoga strap ready. If you are really into yoga having one blanket and even one bolster ist absolutely fabulous! Else a thick dictionary and a blanket may do the trick.


Do you have to be a vegetarian to practice yoga?

Over time, through a regular yoga practice you will become conscious about the quality of your nutrition: eventually you are what you eat. It is correct that many people practicing yoga are turned towards healthier, vegetarian food. I plan to occasionally write about this.

How long do I need to wait after having eaten before attending a yoga class?

This depends on what and how much you have eaten; generally, it is good to wait a couple of hours after a light meal. Some meals take much longer to digest: a cheese fondue may take days to digest!


Does yoga help me quit smoking?

I have seen many of my yoga students quit smoking. Tobacco is a toxin and the more frequently you practice yoga the more your body will repel it. You become also aware of what damage you harm to your body. 

Do I need to stop drinking alcohol to practice yoga?

Drinking an occasional glass or two won’t hurt you. However, when you practice a lot of yoga you find that alcohol slows you down and makes your body and joints stiff, plus recuperation time on the next day wastes a lot of your precious time.
Cutting alcohol altogether will improve your focus, your energy and your stamina.
PS: Obviously, never alcohol before your yoga class!

I am not flexible, why is yoga good for me?

You do practice yoga to become more flexible! The secret in improving is by a regular practice.


My back is killing me. Why should I practice yoga?

Unless instructed otherwise by your doctor, a smartly taught yoga class may help you alleviate back problems (and many other issues too). Backpain is often caused by stress, the lack of adapted exercise and weakening of the dorsal muscles.
Backpain may also be caused by tight hips from long holds in a sedentary position, also known as office work. The more stress you suffer from, the more tensions and the stiffer the back.

If practiced regularly, yoga helps you reinforcing the back muscles, stretches the spinal column and may even help in severe cases of back problems like sciatica and herniated disks.
Conclusion: attending a yoga class regularly keeping you healthy!


Why is yoga good for me?

If practiced regularly, yoga has proven effective to improve your overall health, as well as offering a heightened state of well-being. Yoga may help you with:
- eliminate back pain
- increase flexibility
- balance mind and body
- tone muscles
- improve digestion
- reduce stress
- control anxiety and insomnia
- improve respiratory efficiency
- improve memory and mental focus

May I practice yoga – and particularly inversions – during my period?

Do as you feel! Energy levels may vary strongly during your cycle. Ioana did a lot of research on this topic and found no scientific proof that a short hold of inversions (that’s about 1.5 – 2.5 min) would interfere with the energetical flow.
Just signal it to your yoga teacher and you will be proposed alternate asanas. While some other studios follow an inversion free practice during your period, I found as yoga was reserved strictly for men for such a long period that this must have been turned into popular belief.

What do you mean by “practicing regularly”?

Ideal would be to practice more than once weekly. Make sure to arrange time for yourself, for your yoga and you will improve greatly your physical and mental benefits.


My partner thinks only bendy girls do yoga. How can I convince him to try it?

For thousands of years, yoga was reserved to men. Yoga has seen a massive transformation over the past 70 years as today the majority of yoga students are women.
Yoga teaches us to be non-judgmental of others and of ourself. Show your partner a class that he will love. Your teacher will make sure to give your partner a strong workout while practicing mindfully.
Some people need to learn it the hard way: but refrain from laughing when he suffers. Hopefully, one day he’ll love yoga more than you do!


I am getting bored easily. Is yoga really something I should do?

All classes offer an intelligently arranged sequencing that keeps your body moving. You need to focus on the moment, on the movement and the proper alignment of the poses.
By doing so, your mind enjoy a meditation in motion.


Is yoga a religion or a sect?

No. Yoga is a philosophical discipline that encompasses also the physical and mental aspects. All my yoga classes are non-dogmatic and freed from esoteric connotations. Additionally, I want to create neutral, safe haven of peace where all people regardless of nationality, ethnicity or religious beliefs coexist and practice yoga while breathing the same air.

Do I need to know sanskrit terms?

No. The Sanskrit language is old as humanity and mostly used for philosophical texts and liturgical chants (mantras). You will hear sanskrit terms during class. However it always helps to know the main poses in sanskrit. This can prove useful, particularly if you take yoga classes in a foreign country. In this sense, sanskrit helps you connect and understand to foreign people!


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