Testimonials Yoga Classes with Ioana Pop — lePOP.yoga

Testimonial Sahar

Testimonial Sahar

Ioana is an excellent yoga teacher.
Classes with her leave me feeling whole again.

Her attention to detail, careful sequencing of poses and exact instructions on alignment have taken my practice to new heights.

It is a joy to practice with her from the comfort of home - she suggests the best corrections even digitally, always wears a smile, and never skips a beat!

– Sahar T.

Testimonial via SurveyMonkey (007)

It was so good to be able to practice with you again!

I did remember the quality of your teaching

which I'm so happy and grateful to follow and had forgotten - but now it's all back - how you could make seconds stretch as well in challenging asanas and how my muscles would remind of the practice several days later.

How good !?

– via SurveyMonkey, Dec. 2020